UWS has been in contact with me a lot so I'm very confident practicalities with the school will go smoothly, from enrolment to accommodation. I've heard not all study abroad schools are so active and forthcoming, so it was definitely a relief that UWS has been so helpful and made me feel welcome.
I got placed in the 3rd year, so the modules should be very interesting and support my studies back in Finland. Can't wait to start studying and see how they do it in a Scottish university! I will study 3 modules per semester, so a total of 6 during my year in UWS, so if everything goes well a total of 60 credits which should calm KELA down and keep me on track with my degree studies in Finland.
I'm very excited to start this adventure, but here writing this and looking out the bus window I know I will also miss Finland. However that was never gonna stop me and I know I can appreciate the good things about Finland all the more when (if?) I come back!;) Now if I can just fall asleep tonight so I wont miss my morning flight tomorrow..
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